Horrible umps...
Posted by #3 on June 25, 2018, 3:08 pm
Why are South Texas umpires so god awful in comparison to North Texas umpires? Is it because of the training does Rene not do a good enough job training these guys? Is it because his umps don't give a shit and are just out there for a quick 20 an hour? (More than what they make on weekly job.) I think it is pathetic how some of these dudes you cant even approach, when we are the mfs paying them. PHILLIP WEAVER can you please just send your umpires to STX as well, because besides a few of these guys they have no business being on the field (Will V, Will, Steven Sotelo, Noe, Randy, Benny, and hell even DB called a pretty good 2 games that we had him on Saturday.) This message is not for you guys y'all are great! But all the other non approachable, big ego having guys y'all straight up suck! Rene get your guys in line man, if you can't, then retire already Dude! Rant over!