And your sister...oh my. We've been through a 2 year struggle with my daughter's cancer and my heart goes out to her and to your family. But you are right. She will likely get through this and be fine. I marvel at all my daughter went through and at times I felt discouraged, but for the most part we felt confident she would be ok. After multiple surgeries and complications and 35 rounds of radiation, all tests show that she is cancer free. I wish your sister the very best outcome for her upcoming surgery.
It can be hard to put yourself as a priority when others around you are struggling, but as you've shown, you know that your personal health goals are separate from all these challenges and are important too. I am so glad to hear that you are taking this and turning it in to something mutually beneficial to both you and your friend. It says a lot about a person who can deal with these challenges and still find a positive thread to turn in to something good. Very inspiring.
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