Sorry about your Uncle. I just lost someone (very unexpectedly) too so I'm in that weird head space trying to deal with it. We are all vulnerable to getting knocked off course at times. No worries. Your personal victory is not crossing over in to the 300s. Good perspective. Staying in a positive state of mind is a big part of moving in the right direction. Actually one of the biggest challenges for those dealing with weight loss. I totally get how compliments throw you off. It's really pretty much the same dynamic as those that see a "happy" number on the scale and then go off track. The opposite of what you would think would be the reaction...but very common. You would think it would creat more momentum. We are complicated creatures! Lol Hopefully your care client won't be in the hospital long. If he is going to be going to a rehab facility after, can you be reassigned? Hang in there Sonali. You are a strong capable person and though you are dealing with some challenges, I'm confident you will power through. |
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