One thing I remember so well that frustrated me was to come from America where virtually all toilets are in the bathroom with tub/shower and sink to Europe where I lived for several years and went to school.....and have the toilets in a totally seperate room away from the tub an sink. There was absolutely nothing I could do to distract from having a BM in the "water closet" as nothing else could be done in (certainly no hair dying) there. It was a horrible feeling to be stuck in that tiny room...sometimes even located very close to the kitchen or livingroom. Oh how I hated staying in a house with the only "water closet" located downstairs. What always worked for me in the states, is just to say I'm taking a bath, go in run the hot water, take a poop (without the pressure of people knowing) then climb in and really take a bath. (or shower) It was a great distraction.....even if I never did get the bath. Nobody would know. How do you Europeans cope with the "water closets"? I never managed to get over it and was actually glad to move back in the states after a couple of years suffering with shy bowel in England, Holland, and the other places I moved.