Obviously the goal for parcopretics would be to defecate comfortably within Even if utilizing the graduated exposure method would truly help parcopretics, as it seems to help many paruretics, the legal and medical aspects still confront us. Those individuals under a doctor's care for a serious medical condition, or who are on medication for their emotional/mental problems would entail more risk and liability. I guess the socalled "ideal" candidates to initially try this method would be relatively "healthy" individuals who simple can't defecate in a public setting, whether on a regular or occasional basis. IPA is incorporated, has clinicians among its leaders, has a track record, and probably has liability insurance. Any begining effort to "train" parcopretics would entail some real risks to get started on an organizational basis. It must be recognized that there could be negative scenarios involving individuals panicking in the stalls, experiencing actual physical discomforts, After saying all this, I still think the venture is worth exploring. Using the professional model in setting up a support group might be done in conjunction with a doctor or a clinician who are convinced it could work. Using the non professional model in setting up the support group might just be I myself have participated in support groups dealing with addictions that include group meetings, an individual sponsor, and mass rallies. Even though At any rate, I have written this to elicit your response. I think we all have Let me know yours thoughts, Marty G.
individuals practice urinating through the "graduated exposure" method in public places.
The goal for men is to urinate at the urinals instead of inside the stalls.
the stall without regard to who is on either side of him, or what is going on in the public bathroom. I realize the logistics of practicing in a public bathroom would be a challenge. However, it must be pointed out that the practicing starts in the privacy of one's home, a hotel room, or a single-
toilet public bathroom. This would be considered level one, which would gradually introduce another person into the proximity of the parcopretic.
or being assaulted by strange characters in the public bathroom.
done between consenting adults who simply want to try something different
when all the other techniques have not worked. (Ethical guidelines would need to be established and put forth before beginning the practice venture.)
dealing with parcopresis is an unique problem, the aspect of "group dynamics"
would generally apply as well, I suspect.
to start thinking out of the box. I have gone through years of problems having to deal with this condition, even if on a moderate scale-----along with my paruresis, so I'm desperate to be of service to others who are willing to work on their recovery, even just to generate ideas.