Let me think about it...ultimately, I do think that if he knows that there is a whole community out there that he could help it would prove more of an incentive. Since he is someone who specializes in the physiology of the GI tract he is really a good resource (as I understand it, you have to have a hypnotherapist who is well versed in a given field). Since you are the heart and soul of this Board I do think that your involvement would really add value. So give me a few days to mull this over. I think there has got to be a way to get out of this hell -- that is how I experience this phobia. It has not only shut down my life but my body. I have NO control over my intestins, defecation. I could have food poisoning and my sphincter muscle will simply clench all the harder, no matter how much consciously I long to let go and be normal. Plus I have IBS which means I feel as if I have to go to the bathroom all the time. So it's not like I just move my bowels in the a.m. and am done with it. I don't know about you but this has led to terrible social isolation -- no intimacy, no travel, no easy-going, get- up-and-go for anything, and a life of secrecy and shame. NOt to speak of utter self bafflement: How did I come to this and how can I get out of it!!?? Hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind and reaches the subconscious and autonomic (sp) nervous system in which fear resides -- the reptile brain, as it is sometimes called. So it is kind of my last hope, as I have been in therapy for years w/ no help with this symptom..Ok. So I'll be back in touch. And thanks for your enthusiasm and encouragement. Be well!