i found this website only after reading an article about 'toilet-terror' in the sun yesterday..never knew there was a name for this condition. i just fear that if i tell him he will always be aware of it whenever i go to the loo and then i would be more aware of it too and that might make it even worse than now..or he might use it against me in an argument..or just think i am weird for feeling that way and therefore my feelings surrounding this whole issue are not valid. anyway thanks for taking the time to read this, Emily
i have read Garry's post and my symptoms are very much like his.
i avoid situations like sleeping over or having someone sleep over (both friends and family) for the fear that i MIGHT have diarrhea and if i did i wouldn't have enough privacy..
in fact i've been in situations (when still living with my family) when my stomach was so bad that i was in very much pain (and only having diarrhea would have taken that pain away) and i just couldn't go because i know my body and i knew it would not be pleasant (ie. very loud etc.) and everyone in the flat would hear it. so once i've had to wait until 2 days later when finally i was alone in the flat and i could then go.
i am living with my boyfriend now and haven't really told him yet (though i am considering it now).
i am sure he sometimes thinks i am weird or unsociable etc., eg. like when a friend invites us to stay over (he lives in another town) i always have to make up excuses not to come as well..quite sad really.
apart from that i generally can't go for number 2s unless there's like 2 doors between me and anybody else.
hotels are a problem too cause obviously the bathroom is too close for comfort..then i have to wait until my boyfriend nips out to get something etc.