Plese don't put yourself down to much. As you see others share in your phobia. Each time you allow yourself to be so discouraged in makes the problems worse. What helped me (I still have the problem) is to kind of just self-hypnotize while in the loo tring to go #2. I tell myself. So what if others know I'm in here. So what if I take a long time. I tell my muscles to relax, soon as I feel the urge I try to think of something exciting that will make me relax, then I can go. It doesn't always work, but then i say. I'll try again next time. Don't get flustered, don't start to panic. Tell yourself you can relax. Tell yourself others have hang ups, this is yours. I deep breath and try to do imagery. It often works. FOr many years I took anxiety pills for my problems, helped for awhile thats all. I'm off now, but doing okay. It all depends in the situation I'm in. I don't fight my problem anymore. Even when I hurt and feel uncomfortable or sick I tell myself that soon I will go, then I let myself feel the happiness of the relief. Some things don't come natural to some people and this is one of them. Having a BM is a big deal for some of us, so I try to take the mystery or secrecy out of it. I know its hard hon. Hang in there and please don't quit school.