things going along as best they can for me at the mo (which means just sitting tight, keeping my head above water, and navigating as best i can through this very difficult time). am getting good support which helps.
some big decisions for me to make regarding meds coming up soon. do i need to go on a mood stabilizer? or is the need for the mood stabilizer the result of paxil withdrawal being hellish for me? could i go back up on the paxil, stabilize, and then lower it literally one drop at a time? stabilize on that level after each drop and then try dropping it again? for whatever reason, this is definitely not a drug i can walk easily away from without incurring severe mental dysfunction and suffering.
lots of reading between the lines to find out good info regarding meds, their side effects, and ease/difficulty of withdrawal associated with them. (people, professional or public, are often polarized into one camp or the other regarding psychiatric drugs such as anti-depressants, lithium etc., so it becomes that much more trickier to navigate through the 'mental' health care system...)
well done for talking with your wife. reminds me i need to post a bit from my book re: "telling people" up on the website. ...when i can, i will. many things i want to do regarding this site and the condition, and publicity, and getting a second edition of the book ready and making it available at a more affordable price and delivery cost.
still, one step at a time. gotta look after me at the mo.