help please
Posted by Max on 10/9/2019, 9:54 pm
I've gone through this since i was in fifth grade. I just want to be able to go. I've gone to doctors, I've taken Miralax, I take fiber supplements, but my bowels are out of control. I can't go in public whatsoever, I've given up on trying. My bowel movements are usually small and I still have discomfort after I have them. I deal with constant constipation and I stay home all day waiting to go. I love skating, it's my passion; but, I can't do it a lot of the times. I'm scared of eating too. I've starved myself in the past. The problem I also have is I can't stop eating. I have huge urges to eat which mess up my stomach so badly. I can't eat pizza, my favorite food, anymore just because of the amount of discomfort it causes. I'm so sick of everything, sometimes it gets so bad I feel the urge to kill myself. I just stay at home waiting. I go to the bathroom twice almost every hour just to try. I've gotten multiple hemorrhoids from it. It's just gotten to a point where it feel like my life is ruined. I can't function, can anyone help? Please, I'm probably gonna talk to my therapist about it since doctors don't know why I can't go. Thanks. (Sorry for the babbling of this post, I just have a lot to say.)