You poor thing! How did you find out about dycalculia? I was asked if I would look up dyspraxia on the net so I found out by was like reading my life.
People think that if you can't read it's alot worse..I'm not knocking dyslexia because it must be just as awful, but dyscalculia is not widely known especially in the uk and that lack of knowledge comes with a lot of ignorance, I'm afraid.
I forget things like where I parked my car or forget to bring my pen to classes, I can't learn to dance..can't remember the steps!
I am nortorious for being late, to the point that I avoid making new friends because they usually get mad with me ...they think I'm 'rude' to turn up late all the time but it's because I don't really have concept of time.... I think that maybe 15 mins is enough time to get into town and find a parking space and the reality is that it takes much much longer than that...hence I'm either too early or too late.
I worry that I will get altzimers because I am so forgetful of anything in a sequence...I hated school and still have nightmares about maths classes and that was 23 years ago!
it would be lovely to talk to other's there an on-line support group?
take care
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