Hell you should all come up to the far north fishing. We have no problem catching fish of our beachs lol and the bloody trawlers are always stripping our shore lines
, I was fishing the 90 mile clubs workmans tankard the other weekend and sure enough a trawler was crusing the coast with his nets. Net results where amazing. there where 2 fish weighed in at over 7 kg. my biggest was 5,5kg and didnt even figure in the prize money lol.I caught 11 snapper and could only weigh in 5 of my heviest fish. this was 5 snapper and they weighed in at 20.86kg lol. Thats an avereage of 4.1kg a fish which won me the tankard
. What im trying to say is, i dont think there is any easy answers to why there is no fish on some beachs. the fact is we dont know and are just making guesses as to what the problem may or may not be. For once I think Hangler could be on a right tract, hes just trying to open peoples minds as to what is accuatlly the problem in the hawkes bay.
Hell i would be pissed as you guys are if I was fishing day in day out for shit results and the trawlers where fishing of the beachs catching fish. They are only fishing there because there is fish to be caught, so the question is why arnt the fish venturing near the shore. Thats what we have to discover.