So we just saw the play and we're waiting in line to go to lunch and this guy I used to sometimes talk to and I were talking about how crappy this eighth grade play was. And we're laughing about it and he says "Even our play was better" and I'm guffawing when the b###h teacher overhears this and chides him for this. And he quickly makes out that he was being serious. "No. I'm serious. I liked our play. It was awesome." But she's not buying it.
I don't even remember that eighth grade play but I do remember the eighth grade play when I was in fourth grade because my sister was in it and we had to write thank you notes afterwards.
The play was just a bunch of unconnected skits that was probably written by the teacher. I wrote that my favourite skit was Hats for Sale. It had something to do with a guy selling many hats and I think a monkey was causing mischief.
But the one scene that I remember best of all was about two babies who were talking about their jobs for some reason. Maybe it was like their future jobs. And the topic of renumeration comes up with the girl baby saying that she gets paid less and querying why that is so. Then they both lift up their blankets, look down at their genitals, and say "Ohhhh" as though they had an epiphany.
I remember it because it's weird to insert a genitalia joke into a children's play. But looking back, it's also stupid to have this feminist propaganda in a children's play.
Man, is it laborious typing messages in my phones. For the next section I'm going to use this Google voice recognition shit.
so I took a giant dump yesterday. I have diarrhoea. I still have a clean up vomit off the toilet.I think about 3 weeks now. its the disgusting I guess. but I don't have any health effects other than prep for diarrhoea.
george the grocery store today period bathrooms when you say period it normally potter period panache reading the word period period 3131 erase question mark because of a mistake sir maybe if i speak really slowly civil war no not 7 war this is really bad i'm going to sleep now go to try to sleep until 11 o'clock piece of crap period
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