There isn't actually much to do since the funfair closed down, and the whole place has a faint whiff of sulphur/rotten eggs from the Tata steel works along the coast. And just the air of general decay that is apparently typical of seaside resorts around the U.K..
But people still go there nonetheless.
I took my nieces there yesterday on the train. More so for the train ride itself than the destination. And it hasn't changed that much since I was a kid - with the exception that there are now lots of unsightly wind pylons about half a mile out to sea.
What I thought strange, though, was the amount of political graffiti around the place. Well . . . when I say 'amount', I only actually saw two examples.
One saying 'NHS for sale' and 'Cameron you _____!' (the offending word had been whitewashed over).
And another saying 'Free Palastine!' (I guess you don't need to be able to spell to want to free it).
But i've never seen anything like that in Darlington. The closest thing to political graffiti i've come across recently is 'E.D.L.' tippexed onto a litter bin in a back lane I walk down on my way to work.
So seeing those slogans in Redcar seemed like an unusual if refreshing sight.
Example of graffiti from Redcar:
Example of graffiti from Darlington: