So I got the inventory for this place in Glasgow. I had seven days to dispute anything in it starting from when I signed the lease so of course they wouldn't have sent it to me at all had I not chased it up. It's fairly accurate. Points out some things. Didn't point out what looks like a huge skidmark in the toilet but I made sure to take a picture of it and sent it to the agency. I also have pictures of the terrible state of the paint job in the bathroom but I didn't send those. If it becomes an issue later, I have them. In the report it says that there's no smoke detector or carbon monoxide detector. I'm not 100% on the carbon monoxide detector but of course there are laws requiring a smoke detector in the property. So I told them that they have to put one in. They said that there is a smoke detector and carbon monoxide in the property. I responded saying that this could be true but according to the inventory there isn't. So that's something I'll have to check. Also in the inventory is that the intercom system doesn't work. I also saw a "while you were out" note left by a workman to this effect. So that's another thing I mentioned to them that needs fixing. And then finally the lack of a door handle and lock is mentioned. They said that there's a "job order" for that. So whatever. I've never seen a place this shit before. And that's saying something. They didn't do anything to this place to make sure it's even up to basic legal requirements. Who rents a place without a handle and lock for the front door? And quite possibly no smoke detector? They're dealing with the wrong dude, I'll tell you that. I mean, I don't complain about every little thing but these are numerous fundamental problems. At least it's in the inventory. And at least I didn't have to pay for the inventory. Oh, on that note, what a relative joy to rent in Scotland. You know all those bullshit fees that these shitty letting agents impose in England? It doesn't happen in Scotland. They made that shit illegal maybe ten years ago. And more or less that's what's happening. The only fee was for the background check and theoretically I could have used a company of my choosing to do this. I didn't bother. At first they suggested a company that charges £60 but then after I suggested that this was ridiculous they had a backup company that charged £45. Maybe if I kept declining they'd go to a cheaper third company but whatever. That company ended up sending me a PDF file allegedly of their report but the file was corrupt and my requests for a working file went unanswered. I suspect that they did nothing. But yeah, hundreds of pounds in totally bogus fees in England when renting. I have to pay £85 now for the ending inventory. In Scotland, it's the landlord who pays for these inventories, as it should be. I mean, I don't want these pointless inventories. If the landlord wants them, the landlord can pay for them. So yeah. They answer their phones and they seem to be making progress on fixing shit and they're friendly and say "wee" all the time so see how it goes. I think that whatever happens with this job, six months in that hole will be enough. At the four month mark I can start looking elsewhere because at six months I can leave and I have to give two months' notice. I mean really. No fucking curtains. It's unheard of. I looked and curtains are like £20 a set at Ikea. £10 if you really want to go cheap. They don't want to spend that. I recall there just being a little flimsy rod above these windows too and the living/bedroom has like a bay window which is awkward...possibly the kitchen hopefully this works out. How much packing do I have left to do? Virtually none. I put the dishes away today. Just going to live on takeaways for the rest of the week. All of my clothes are put away except for one outfit and my three suits. I'll put the suits in my suit bag. Two of them are totally unwearable trousers-wise but the jackets are still good so I don't want to throw them out. I probably should, though. I'm not just going to wear the jacket. And it's not like they were £1000 suits. Well, whatever. Sentimental value. At least for the first suit. I wonder if suits are cheaper in Glasgow. I bet they are. Everything is cheaper there. Oh yeah, and they have those tartan suits. Perfect for all your comedic suit needs. Aw yeah, looks this. I don't know what kind of place Slaters is but these suits are crazy cheap. As cheap as £60. Who's wearing a £60 suit? Well, if it works, whatever. £100 seems to be the average price. I paid £300 for my suits. They have a lot of three piece suits on this Slaters website. Weird. I only see barristers wearing three piece suits. It's some tradition, I guess. Nobody else wears that old fashioned shit. Yeah, they don't even have £300 suits here. £275 is the highest. So great. The suits are indeed cheaper. £10 for ties? Man. I'm getting the feeling that Slaters is for the young people. Like Moss Bros. There's a lot of "slim fit" stuff, for example. And £5 ties. Those can't be silk. Yeah, it doesn't say what it's made of so probably not silk. Still cheap, though. Yeah, even a swanky-sounding place like Austin Reed is only selling £200 suits. And that's in their "luxury" range. Charles Tyrwhitt has £400 suits but they have "London" in their byline. Most of their stuff is around £250, actually. And that's just the website for the whole of the UK. I bet the Glasgow store has lower prices. Just goes to show that everything is a giant ripoff in shitty London. If this job works out and I'm making about the same amount as I did in London...I'm going to save a fortune. And those munchie boxes. I can buy one for £7 or whatever it is and that would last for three days. This tattooed letting agent said, "How long will you be living in Glasgow?" which I found peculiar. "As long as I want" was my surprised answer. Then she mentioned the harsh Glaswegian winters. This is the same crap one hears in London from totally clueless doofuses. Glasgow might be on average 2 degrees Celsius colder than London. And London's weather is great. Never gets cold or hot. So it's not the weather that will break my spirit. These inbreds wouldn't know cold if it shat in their mouths. I've seen some real cold. I have the frostnipped pinkie toe to show for it. Six foot drifts of snow. This is a harsh winter. "Oh no, I have to put a coat on today". That's a winter in the UK. At least in London. Probably Glasgow too. |
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