Dream of the Week. It was in three acts like all good productions but I'm forgetting it. The first was Larry King interviewing Tom Selleck. They were talking about events that take place in act two. It was much longer than this but that's all I can remember now. Then act two is like a flashback. It's the 1980s and I'm in some unfamiliar school. The teacher (possibly the woman from Misery) has a bunch of boxes of cereal. She's asking us to name the cereal without looking at the name on the box. Not sure how it worked exactly. If we got it right it was saved but if not she destroyed the boxes. So nobody is able to identify a box and she destroys all of the boxes of that brand. The students are horrified and yelling. I actually came in during the middle of this and I say "Wait a minute. Is she destroying those boxes?" and some other student says "yeah". The next box is also difficult to identify. But I catch a glimpse of the word "Swiss". I consider taking a guess at the rest but decide against it. Then somebody else, who was sitting near the box and also saw it, guessed "Swiss" and was then struggling with the rest. The teacher chided her for cheating and said she only knew the first word because she saw the title. She revealed it to be Swiss Miss cereal (a cereal that doesn't exist in real life). People are yelling that she can't do this. The issue was that these boxes were of cultural relevance. These events were taking place in the past but also sort of in the present. So we said that an unopened box of cereal from the 1980s would be culturally important in 30 years not to mention the monetary value. The teacher rejected this argument saying "if you can't even identify these cereals now how could they be culturally relevant in the future?" which is kind of true. Then we leave the school and there's Tom Selleck fighting that Russian from Rocky III. One of them is using a fireplace poker. This is taking place in a countryside with some industrial elements. I think Tom Selleck was the villain because every time this Russian would swing the poker and it looked like it was going to hit Tom there would be a jump cut making it look like he missed. So it was like a film. This happened a few times. There was another major element of the dream but I forget now. I was going to write it down just after I woke up but I only have my phone and it's a pain to write on here. So I just revisited the dream a couple times in my head to bring it from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind. This is why Dream of the Week no longer has much meaning to me. They aren't profound messages from the divine or mysteries to unlock which will give you greater insight into yourself. It's just the stuff you think about when your mind wanders. Nothing of importance to be found there. Today in Glasgow: still no blinds so saw a great sunrise when I woke up. Sky was all red. You know. Like a sunrise. I was impressed though. Then I went to Sainsburys and saw an old homeless couple rooting through McDonald's bins. Hopefully at 2.00 today the handyman I called will come and put the blinds up. I found his flyer outside the flat. Charges £15 for the first hour and £10 after that. This seems very low to me. A place I saw online said £20/hour which seems okay. Guy said it would take about two hours. Is it worth it? Two hours of work for £25? Plus he has to drive here. The place online was booked until next week but this guy was available next day. Well, whatever. See how it goes. Maybe a gypsy. I looked up the number and it goes to a family-run plastering company. They seem to do other stuff as well like carpentry but no mention of handyman services. |