Since early 2007, when my sister had her first child, right up until now, there's pretty much been babies and toddlers in our lives until the present day. And babies and toddlers like Disney Pixar films (at least according to the marketing). So i've seen a million of them, and think I have a pretty good idea of what makes a saleable one. So here's my pitch to the Powers that Be. Working title: An Army Marches On Its Stomach. Basic outline: It's about a society of caterpillars who find themselves endangered by a flock of particularly nasty Starlings. But then they work together and fight back to win the day. Of course, the title is a bit of a pun. There's that old saying, 'An Army Matches On Its Stomach', meaning an effective army is a well fed army. But in this case - what with them being caterpillars and all - the army literally does march on its stomach. I thought about using a snake as a the main protagonist, but to make that work at the Disney Pixar level, you'd have to be a complete genius. And i'm not. Because snakes are so deeply feared and reviled by humanity, it'd be hard to make them anthropomorphic and loveable. So caterpillars it is. And of course they win. Blurb: 'When the Calvin. C. Caterpillar graduates from college, he finds that he will have only one job for his entire life, and absolutely disappointed, he joins the team responsible for bringing the fallen leaves to the team. Once in Saltburn-on Sea, he is saved by the florist Vanessa and he breaks the caterpillar code to thank Virginia. They become friends and Calvin discovers that humans exploit caterpillars to sell successful early learning children's books. Calvin decides to sue the human race, with destructive consequences to nature'. (It's actually just the blurb from Bee move, with a few amendments here and there, but hopefully no-one will notice) I am feeling confident in my new role as a Hollywood script writer, and hope to move onto more adult themes in the future. |
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