Wow. My internet provider blocking porn. Pretty shocking stuff. It started yesterday so I assume it's some kind of policy for the new year, although I haven't seen any recent complains about this from a Google search. It started with a random picture being blocked. I was just looking for a picture of a large-breasted woman so that I could use it as a jigsaw puzzle in Tabletop Simulator. It was blocked. "Must be some website that installs malware on your computer" I thought. Then today, Xhamster is blocked. And YouPorn. I stopped trying after that. Blocked sites give you a message to adjust your settings so I did that. The filter was "off" but by default they block porn, hate sites, and sites with pictures of crime scenes and whatnot. Total bullshit. So I enabled all of that shit (not that I go to hate sites or crime scene sites but if I only turn the porn on it will look pathetic...if I switch everything on it's a free speech thing) and waited. Said it would take two hours to change. Two hours go by. Still blocked. Restarted the router and everything was fine. What total nonsense, though. Go back to Russia. Spent like £30 at M&S today. Most I've ever spent, I think. But I think I got quite a bit more food than usual. Yeah, I had to have. Because I got 8 chicken breasts for £10. That's...not a huge bargain. It's about £4.50 for five at Sainsbury's. They also do a £10 for five freerange chickens at Sainbury's. But this M&S bag had 8 individually-wrapped pieces which is much nicer than Sainsbury's five loose pieces in a plastic container. Also, the ones from Sainsbury's expired in two days but the M&S ones expire in like six days. So I think it's worth the slight extra. Don't have to freeze anything. Got a couple of Nando's marinades too. Why are people raving over this? The taste is very subtle. I'm using the medium bottle. I also got a hot. But...I don't know. There's a slight citrus taste that you get in the first bite and then the rest of the meal just tastes like chicken. Also bought a couple of bottles of pasta sauce. That's good for four meals. Got a bag of oranges too. These are massive oranges, though. I could only eat half of one. I put the other half back in the refigerator but I don't know if I'll get back to it. If I don't eat it today, it's going to have to get thrown out. Fortunately, there's only four oranges in this bag and I didn't buy any other fruit. What else...yeah, biscuits and a couple bags of tortilla chips. Have to portion these out. Yeah, I must have bought more food than usual. I have enough food here to last...six days. Something like this. Two chickens a day divided into eight chickens is four days plus four pasta meals divided into two a day is six days. I never buy anywhere near that much. I usually buy enough food for about three or four days. And that's assuming that I eat one meal a day (which is what I used to do...just a hamburger or a pizza or something). What I should do is just buy these sauces in bulk. They last at least a year, after all. And you can probably save money buying in bulk. |
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