Found a good Youtube guy. He picks up things that people have thrown out and then strips them for scrap or sells them on Ebay or just keeps them.
He has a few speech quirks but once you get over that, it's quite interesting. He buys a lot from garage sales as well. Some crazy bargains. He had a video where he bought 100 mostly sealed X-Box games for $1 each. Those have to be worth more than that on Ebay. I think he just kept them, though. And he bought a tv with a built-in Nintendo for $10. That thing goes for several hundred at least on Ebay. His had the original controllers, remote, and everything.
But what's also interesting is the odd jobs that he does. There's a video where he cleans a house, for example. He was able to keep whatever he wanted. I assume he got paid as well but I don't know.
He also seems to go to those "you pick" farms where you pick your own fruit. Not sure if this is something that exists in the UK. But what he does is pick the fruit and then sells it on the street. There's a video where he says he paid $100 for the fruit and then sold it for $200. Did this for a few days.
For the amount of work involved it hardly seems worth it. This applies to everything that he does. He talks about making $100 for some stripped down tv's and copper wire at the scrap yard but it probably took many hours to strip this stuff down. And then there's the driving to the scrap yard. He figures the cost of petroleum into all of this too and will even compare gas prices at competing petroleum stations to the cent.
It's interesting, though. Maybe he can't get a job for whatever reason or maybe he prefers doing what he's doing. Lives in a small town in Michigan. Probably not many employment opportunities there. Probably doesn't hold a doctorate. But he seems a good person.
A noteable cultural difference is that he'll use profanity to a large extent in his videos. But in videos with his children, he'll change the "shits" to "stuffs" and so forth. In the UK, parents have no problem using profanity in front of their children. It's considered very low class in the US. So much so that even a man who picks trash for a living won't do that.
I'm also intrigued by his video praising Donald Trump, spurred by a Donald Trump boardgame that he found during his rounds. He talks about kicking the "illegals" out and how he likes that Donald Trump calls people "idiots" and whatnot.
I don't think that illegal immigration is a large concern in his neck of the woods. And I also don't think that a billionaire property magnate has this man's interests at heart. But it goes to show the absolute dirth of politial voices out there.
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