I was on This is Yesterday -- The Message Board and responding to a message by one of these random-named people (e.g. "Nose"). These people are usually Slann so I called him out.
Then I get an angry reply saying that it's not Slann and how the forum quality has declined sharply ever since I took over and how it's all pretty much just be talking about literal shit now.
There was also an earlier, I think largely unconnected, dream where I was banging a bunch of chicks, some of whom were...dolls...like...in that shit film Manequin where the doll comes to life. I think it was something like that. One of them was a Japanese woman (possible doll) who had like a test tube for a vagina.
Anyway, these dreams don't hold any mysticism to me any more. Ever since I've mastered sleep, I've realised that it doesn't mean anything. It's just your mind wandering, as it does during consciousness.
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