I'm cold as shit. Really getting tired of it. It's not cold enough to put the heater on but it's too cold not to be under the blankets. What's the temperature in Glasgow? 46 degrees? That's pretty cold. 8 Centigrade. But it's the middle of April. What's the temperature in London? The same as in Glasgow. How about Chicago? Yeah, here we go. 65 degrees. 18 Centigrade. Of course, the problem with Chicago as regards climate is it goes to extremes. So summer and winter are both awful. But spring and fall are good. It's mild year-round in London and probably Glasgow. That's good but...I'm cold now. Oh, been working out again. I started on the 10th after a three week break. Holy crap. I couldn't do it. I had to go down in weight. Just by one kilogram but still. It was difficult. But I'm almost back up to the maximum weight again. It goes to show that even if you take a break as little as three weeks, you lose a lot of strength. Gains are surely affected. I need gains. Made some fajitas today too. Used an Old El Paso fajita spice kit this time. I used it last time too but I burned the chicken so couldn't be a fair judge of it. This time...I won't say that I undercooked the chicken but it's less cooked than it should be. The vegetables are still a bit hard. Anyway, this spice kit is pretty bad. This is a disgrace to the great city of El Paso, Texas. I'll be damned, this product line actually does trace it's ancestry to El Paso. But that was a long time ago. Now it's owned by the faceless food conglomorate General Mills who produce about 90% of American foods. General Mills recently came out in opposition to an "anti-gay" piece of proposed legislation in Minnesota. What do I care? Get back to making dog food, you imbeciles. Actually, that's not fair. I don't see any evidence that General Mills has a dog food line. But I rememebr Purina did. They made some shit cereals based on licensed products. Like a Ghostbusters cereal. Or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cereal. But yeah, General Mills. Let's say you don't approve of their pro-poo pushing agenda. What are you going to do? If you're an American, your only real option is to go on a hunger strike. You can't just boycott their food because they make all the food. You want Boo Berry? Forget it. Lucky Charms? Think again. Total, Trix, Wheaties, Cocoa Puffs: all General Mills. No problem. I'll just eat cake mixes and biscuit dough and shit like this. Forget it. They own Betty Crocker and Pillsbury too. You can't take potato chips away from me. I guess that's true. Their salted snack output is pretty sparce. But hope you don't like Bugles or Chex Mix. They have Hamburger Helper too so forget about making your beef meals go further. And Green Giant who's the colossus sitting astride the canned vegetable aisle at your local supermarket. Took a couple of dumps recently. I'd been having diarrhea for a while, I think as a result of stress. But the constipation came back with a vengeance. Tore my rectum right open. I mean, I was sitting there. Hard poo. I wanted to leave because...I don't remember...I was playing a game on my computer or something and wanted to get back to it. So I hurried things along perhaps to my peril. It wasn't much poo. But I felt something was amiss. There was no pain. It just didn't feel quite right. I looked down and sure enough, a slight reddish tint in the toilet water. Wiped and it was just blood. Not a lot but some. So next day. Have to take a crap again. Same deal. Hard poo, reddish water, blood on toilet paper. Haven't defecated since. But I've been feeling a lot of...what's the word...well, intestinal grumbling. That's been happening. But also very slight cramping, I guess. I definitely notice something going on. I don't know where the tear is. Presumably towards the exit. But I don't know. Am I filling up with blood? Is that what all this grumbling is? I also re-installed Crusader Kings 2 again. Got the latest update. It's alright. Some good additions. Improves education and there are councils now. But...you can quickly pass laws to deny the council any rights so a bit stupid. I'm playing as the Isle of Mann as a Merchant Republic. I thought I was clever to do this but a quick search online reveals that loads of people have done this. I never really played as merchant republic before. It's kind of boring. Doesn't seem so accurate either. I jumped out to an insurmoutable lead against the other four familes vying for control of the republic so I can just buy every single election. It's not a very good game mechanic. And with this latest patch, it seems like people are having far fewer children. I only have like three adult males in my dynasty and I've been ruling for like 200 years. And I've noticed that even the most powerful dynasties are all teetering on extinction. The Karlings are long gone and they control most of Western Europe at the game start. It used to be a huge chore to get them to loose their strangle hold on things, nevermind wipe them out. Now it just seems the way of things. |
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