The forum is from the 1990s but it was mysteriously shut down in 2015 and then re-opened. You would be the first new member in probably about 15 years, if not longer. You get the ocassional lost soul, I guess. There was that guy from Singapore maybe 10 years ago. He was here once asking about the Manics. And I went to his website (some Hotmail photo sharing page) and it had a bunch of pictures of his girlfiend. Nothing scandalous, just them going to the amusement park and whatever. Then there was that Israli guy a few years ago asking about the Manics. He left after I posted a quote from Mark Twain but I suspect he would have left anyway. It is interesting looking at old messages. Sort of forum archaelogy. IMDB used to be good for this. You'd see messages from seven years ago asking about some little-known actor from the 50s or whatever. Even Youtube. If you go to an old video that doesn't have many comments, you'll see messages extoling the virtues of John McCain and the like. Everyone's welcome at This is Yesterday -- The Message Board. If you like messages about not being able to find a girlfriend, life in Scotland, and defecating you're really in for a treat. But the great thing about this forum is that you're not limited to those topics. You can write whatever you want with no filter, no moderation. You won't find another forum like that on the internet. There's always some virgin, power-tripping "admin" erasing messages. It's pathetic. This is why forums are largely extinct. I recently deleted Tinder. I saw that a girl that I talked to on there had moved 173 miles away. She was Muslim and 24. 173 miles away from me is Birmingham or Manchester, I don't remember which. Some city with a large Muslim population. I saw that this girl went there once for a few days about two months ago. Then about a month ago she went again and she's been there ever since. Then she deleted Tinder a few days ago. I suspect that she was involved in an arranged marriage, possibly to an Islamic extremist. I mean, she wouldn't just move by herself. She was Scottish and lived with her family, as Muslims tend to do. So the only way she would have left the family home is if she got married. I stopped talking to her months ago anyway. I just wasn't interested. Not interested in any of that crap. I mean dating generally. I gave her my phone number, she said she wanted to talk more, and that was it for me. When they say they want to talk more, that means that don't want to meet up ever. A young Brad Pitt gives you your number, you don't say, "I want to talk more". So I wish her luck with the whole Mohammadan marriage thing. Maybe using Tinder was a cry for help. A desperate attempt to find a way out of an arranged marriage. So tell me, Orlando. Let's have a conversation sort of Tinder-style where I ask you a bunch of questions and you answer them. For real authenticity, please make sure not to ask anything about me because you don't give two shits about me, you just like the validation of a guy's attention over the internet. Where do you live? Do you like it there? Have you ever travelled? Where to? Do you have any brothers or sisters? Where do you work, if anywhere? Do you like it? Is it your dream job? What sort of music do you enjoy? Do you have any hobbies? How old are you? Do you like movies? What's your favourite movie? How are you getting home? |