I found the book: https://www.amazon.com/Signposts-Houghton-Mifflin-Reading-William/dp/0395005809 That's almost certainly it. That weird 70s picture jogged my memory. And it was from 1971 so certainly not a book that I had in school, but a book that my aunt bought while in Finland (as I suspected). Old American textbooks sometimes ended up in Finland. It's $6.62. That's tough to pass up. Basically free. Do you suppose they deliver to the UK? They seem to. But this becomes £18...£5.30 for the book, £12.50 for shipping. I'll go with it. What are the odds of ever seeing this book again? My mother inevitably threw out, gave away, or sold my copy. This will make a great forum post too. Reminiscing about a text book. Wait. No, I cancelled that. I didn't realise that there's loads of these books to choose from. Here's a UK seller. I'll try them even though the book is twice as expensive. Why would it cost more and take longer to ship for a UK seller? You know what? Fuck this. I'll wait until I move to Edinburgh to get this sorted out. Had an interesting case today. Well, not really. But it involves a Pakistani guy. I did this case earlier in the month too. His sisters are at court and one of them was talking me, asking if I'm a sheriff. It's because I sit next to the sheriff. I get this once in a while. It's a bit insulting given the average age of a sheriff. And the youngest one is probably 55. She was talking to me again today. Asking where I'm from and so forth. Not really a looker but she's definitely single because she lives at home. I find that Asian women, be it East or South,, are the most likely to talk to me. And presumably, they're doing so to come on to me. Could I be wrong? I mean, why else would a woman speak to a strange man? Particularly, a strange man who does everything he can to avoid having conversations. So you really have to put some effort in. And on my way home from work I was just walking and glanced up at a woman in a dress. I got a vague idea what she was top heavy but I wasn't looking at her tits, it was just a scan of a person approaching me. So I looked at her face and she was looking at me. Just an average looking woman, dark hair, glasses, healthy size. Then I took a peek at her massive bouncing jugs in this little dress and she looked away. I mean, holy crap. If you have giant tits you shouldn't be wearing sun dresses. It's distracting. How would one go about turning that situation into asking for a date? You see a woman with a tits, you'd like to do stuff to her, but she's just walking down the street. Are guys approaching strange women and asking for their phone numbers? I've never seen that. Not to say it doesn't happen. You know what could work is handing them your business card. I understand that that's how it's done in Japan. You see somebody you like, you give them your business card. It's not intrusive, it only takes a second, and if the woman is interested, she'll contact you. I should get some business cards printed up solely for this purpose. Although...how often do I see women who I'm particularly interested in? And what are the odds that they would be interested in me? And what if I go overboard and blanket the city with my business cards? It could become a story on Reddit. The crazy guy giving random women his business card. Maybe I should write to Metro's "lost connections" or whatever it is. It's the section where you describe a woman or man who you saw and that you wish you would have talked to them. I don't think that this column has resulted in a single date ever but it's been going on for years. "You were the woman with glasses and huge tits in a sun dress and I was the bald guy with glasses leering at your enormous jugs. Fancy a coffee?" Those Japanese really got it down. Business cards. It's genius. It's a country of socially awkward people so you can really learn from them. |