What if there's an all out nuclear war and people have no interest in gold, they're only interested in the basic necessities for survival? "SEE? SEE? That's why I always say you should carry two live chickens with you to barter with. SEE? I TOLD YOU!" It's similar to the only-after-the-fact life advice that people give you regarding education. For your first 18 years of life, it's drilled into you that if you don't go to university you're doomed to work in McDonalds for the rest of your life. The only way out of abject poverty is to go to university. So you go to university, get your degree, and are doing the same low-paying jobs that you could have got without going to university. But now you also have tens of thousands of dollars in debt. So you complain on the internet. Then the great keyboard sages come out with, "Who told you that university is a free ticket to a good job?" Well, everybody told me that. Everybody told everybody that for the past 100 years. But now Uncle Buford on the internet is telling us that we're all idiots for going to university. Where was Uncle Buford when I was signing all of those loan agreements? |
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