Bought some organic peanut butter to go with the fancy tourist shop jam that I bought. The jam was going to be a gift but then I realised that I couldn't get it through security at the airport. I haven't eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in years. I'm reminded of the time I was making two such sandwichs in my youth and the kid my sister babysat for was watching and said, "Are you going to eat both of those?" This really annoyed me because this kid was constantly eating or talking about food. And I was really hungry. So I said, "Yeah, they're both for me." And he just continued watching me make the sandwiches like a hungry dog. So I agreed to give him the second sandwich and I also made one for his sister. These kids were obsessed with food. They were fat kids and grew up to be fat adults. The mother was fat when she was dieting and absolutely enormous when she stopped dieting. She's a mastadon today. I wonder how much of this is hereditary and how much is...I don't know...learned behaviour, the culture, the sort of food found in the US. I mean, these people were of Polish heritage. Are there many fat people in Poland? I don't think so. But the mother and the kids are fat. It's a mystery. People's relationship with food differs drastically. You hear these people in restaurants, for example, talking about how awesome the food is. I've never experienced that in my life. Who gives a shit? It's food. If they ever bring out nutrient pills as a food substitute, I'd be all over that. I've never had a great meal in my life. I've had plenty of good ones. A lot of edible ones. A few awful ones. But something where I thought, "Man, I have to eat this again some time" not once. I've never recommended a restaurant to anyone. I don't think that the fries at Burger King are any better than the ones at McDonalds. It's all pretty much the same. Food. Big deal. But you get these fat guys and gals...they love that shit. They'll talk about it. They'll eat it. They'll think about it. It's an obsession. You even get moderately overweight people saying things like, "I have to stop eating this KFC" after having just eaten some KFC. Well, then do it. Exercise some willpower. If I don't want to eat KFC, I don't eat KFC. My ladyfriend was talking about her weight. She lost a stone through a new diet. She said, "Do you want to know how I did it?" I didn't but I said that I did. She said that she has one meal in the afternoon, one in the evening, and then nothing until the next afternoon. So she's fasting between dinner and the next day's lunch. So I said, "I've been doing that for 20 years." She says, "Yeah, but you snack, don't you? I don't snack." It's true, I snack. Could I eliminate the snacking? I suppose so. But it would take some considerable willpower. I'm talking about the crisps. It can be done. But the sugary stuff can't eliminated. I don't eat a lot of sugary stuff but if I don't eat any of it for, say, a day, I start feeling unwell. I think that's just normal. Well, maybe not. People have survived without sugar for millions of years. Perhaps this is what these people feel like when it comes to all food. This need for sugar, and it does seem to be a biological need, may extend across all food groups for these fatties. But skipping meals? I can definitely do that. One meal a day, no problem. I want to lose weight? Fine. I'll eat less. It's not difficult. Looking up this guy's Facebook. He's posting pics of some other woman's children and captioning it, "My whole world." In another picture, he's with these children and wearing a shirt that says, "Number one dad" or similar. He's huge, by the way. His fiance is fat. This guy also literally posts numerous memes about food and how much he likes food. By the way, this woman's son is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. Fattest kid I've ever seen and I am not exaggerating. There must be a medical explanation for this. He's maybe 8 years old. Huge. Enormous. No neck. A big gut. Fattest face on earth. Limbs look relatively normal size. She also posts a picture of her father. He's a great big fat guy. Easily 300 pounds. I don't know how fat these kids' father is. But imagine if this woman has a child with this fatass kid my sister used to babysit for. The kid would be housebound and unable to walk by age 10. |
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