Never again. It's not much work but it's annoying that they delete the site if you don't pay for the domain name. I don't think the webspace is related to the domain name. Or fine, you want to delete the site when the domain name isn't paid for, you put the site back up when the domain name is paid for. There's a surprising amount of content on the site. Interviews and pictures and shit. There's a bunch of MP3s too. They seem to be of interviews. I don't know if they're accessible through any links, though. Oh no. I think they're here: I like how in the "videos" section there are some addresses of dudes who have probably long since moved or died. And some guy's Freeserve email address. Also an email address. I wonder if that was one of those novelty email addresses that were all the rage or the guy's actual website. The site no longer exists. Let me check Well, it started in 1998 as a wacky email provider and there was a message board and they sold animal skulls (I think a third party seller) and there's a non-working skateboarding link. They were also looking for companies who sell sex toys, bongs, fire crackers, animal parts, skateboards, music, and clothes. By 2000, the animal skull seller was gone but the site was selling their own wacky t-shirts supporting Dr Kevorkian, AIDS, Satan, and just the concept of death generally. By 2002, it seems that the message board and email provider and everything else was gone except for the shirts. And they were calling themselves rhubarb dot something. By 2003, there was just a "site coming soon" message. By 2004, it looks like a completely different site. It's now owned by pleasurecaptains dot com, which may or may not be owned by the same person who did the previous iteration of the site. There's an alleged message board but actually that just takes you to a blog with two weird posts about George W Bush which one could comment on if one so desired. Indeed, I don't know what the site is about. There's a little story about George Bush on a boat with sexy ladies on the main page and that's about it. In early 2005, it was the same shit but they added a phone sex for conservatives link. In mid 2005, it was a whole new site again. It was now owned by Debka Weekly, which was a Jewish news site, I guess. There's a link to a Hebrew version of the site as well as English. By late 2005, it's back to being that controversial t-shirt site. Same t-shirts are being sold alongside new ones. Site looks different but same shirts being sold. They say that a message board is coming soon. But they state that they won't be re-instating the free email. All throughout 2006, it was the same shit but new shirts. You could get a "I love whores" shirt, for example. By 2007, the site ceased to exist at all. There are no saved copies of the site for the next two years and only a few saved copies in subsequent years but they're just blank sites. By 2012, there's just an "Error. Page cannot be displayed" message. That's how it remains up to 2018. So it's a history of missed opportunities. Anti-social dot com is a good domain name. They could have done something with it. |
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