Took two craps today. The first was diarhea, the second was super diarhea. It's almost certainly a side-effect of the septocaine I got at the dentist visit. I was looking at joining this professional organisation. Like £100 to take each test. There are four tests. And if you fail one, you have to take it again and pay again. Plus, there's a fee to join the organisation. And you have to take three online courses every year or something to maintain your membership. There are fees for these classes. The whole thing is a giant racket. I'm going to have to give it a try, though. I took a speed test for this company in the Middle East recently. I think it's a similar set up. There were two twenty minute passages that I had to do. I think the tests for this organisation are only 3 minutes, though. So that would be better. But I pretty much kept up with these 20 minute tests. I got behind just once or twice so I missed a few words but not a whole lot. So I'll have to investigate further. You know what I need? My grade school yearbooks. I have my high school ones but not the grade school ones. They're at my mother's home. I'd be interested not only in seeing what my former classmates are up to but also what the people up to 7 years older and younger than me are up to. Even though I didn't know any 8th graders when I was in the 1st grade or 1st graders when I was in the 8th grade, it would still be interesting to see. It seems that Facebook is putting all of their pictures in circles now. That's dumb. Hey, the principal of my grade school recently died. I read about this on his daughter's Facebook. I went to school with her. Yeah, he's the same age as my mother, I think. A lot of people on Facebook my age have posts about their parents dying. I wish I had a non-creepy mother so that I could keep in touch with her. Here's his obituary. Apparently he was in a hospice for the past 8 years. Not a particularly glowing obituary. He was the principal and after he retired he enjoyed parking cars for the local ethnic festival. He also sat in the front row for church. That's it. Let me see the comments. Nine comments. I don't recognise any of the names. The comments mostly talk about how much of an impact he had on so many people's lives. Why only nine comments from people I've never heard of then? Oh, actually one of these is from a former classmate of mine. That was kind of her. Says he was good to her family. I think she was a Mexican girl, although she had a Slovak or something name. She was in the average intellect reading group. Very short girl. Didn't say much. Always the last one to finish her exams. She would check the work over several times. So he touched her life. Not me, though. To me, that guy was an asshole. In the 6th grade some older boy was picking on me during recess. He was in the 7th or 8th grade. I took pride in never reporting anyone to teachers or whatever. "Tattling" as they said. "Snitching" in the contemporary urban lexicon. But this kid was really bothering me. I don't remember what he was doing but it must have been significant because I broke my oath and left to tell the principal, who was the playground monitor. So I tell the principal what happened. He says, "Yeah, he's a big boy. They sometimes cause problems." I didn't understand this response so I repeated what happened. He said, "Yeah, I know. Older boys sometimes cause problems." So I left completely befuddled. What an asshole. Maybe do your job. Tell that boy to go play with kids his own age. Not difficult. You're the principal, you jackass. My father is paying a fair amount of money for me to be here. Hey, here's a guy I used to take the bus with. Still lives in the same state but 100 miles away. So...that's something, I guess. Married to some hella homely woman. He's bald and a bit overweight, by the way. Didn't go to university, surprisingly. I mean, he wasn't a great student but he did go to a fee-paying high school. Works in some engineering place, I don't know as what. Has a young son, I think. His wife looks older than him so I'm surprised that kid only has one head. Speaking of which, I think my sister had a child last year and she's almost 50. It's just irresponsible. I'm surprised that it wasn't in the newspapers. There had to be some medical intervention to make that possible. Anyway, this guy has a picture of him on the bus with his son going to a basketball game in another city like 100 miles away. You have to be pretty damned poor to take the bus in the US. Even in the UK, really, but BIG TIME poverty to take the bus in the US. And long-distance? No way. I just realised. I knew this guy from taking the bus from school together. Maybe he just really liked these bus trips. He's bald and keeps the hair cropped short but not fully shaved. Just an observation. Anyway, good for him. He seems happy with his life. That's what it's all about. Contentment. I'm never content. Ambitious people tend not to be. Not that I think I'm super ambitious. I strive to work as little as possible and rarely venture outdoors. But there must be something to this. |
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