I used to just wear my school uniform until I went to bed. Unless I was going out, which was really rare, there was no reason to change into casual clothes. As a result, I didn't really have many casual clothes. There was no need. I didn't wear them. I remember one time, my friend made a surprise visit to my home and laughed. "Baron is still is in his uniform!" There's so much basic stuff that I was never taught. When I came home from school, my mother should have told me to change into my regular clothes. I should have had regular clothes to change into. So when I moved to public (government-run) school, I didn't have any clothes and I didn't know how to deal with it. So I wore my coat during class for the first year, maybe. Six months. It couldn't have been the whole year because some months are hot, but maybe it was the whole year. A couple of other kids did this too, that's where I got the idea. But it's idiotic. My mother should have bought me clothes. That's basic parenting. Make sure that your children are properly clothed. She didn't do it. To this day, I place very little importance on clothes. I have about four shirts that I wear and they're all at least 10 years old. I wear the same shirt night and day for up to a week. How easy would it have been? Buy clothes for your child and tell them to change into said clothes when they come home from school. Simple. That's what normal kids do. That's what a normal parent would teach to their children. Haircuts. All of the other kids got regular haircuts. I didn't. I went to the barber whenever. It was usually quite long before I'd go to the barber. It looked like shit. So I accepted that I was the kid with the shit mid-length hair. This continued into adulthood. I didn't know how often I was supposed to get my hair cut. I didn't know anything about hairstyles. I didn't know what to ask the barber. So as an adult, I'd have this shit mid-length hair that I didn't do anything with. It continued until I shaved my head. How hard is it to bring your child to the barber every, say, month or so? I don't even know how often you're supposed to take your child to the barber. I wasn't taught. But all of the other parents managed to figure it out. Why couldn't mine? It's not a cultural thing. People in the Nordic countries have clothes and get their hair cut on a regular basis. And besides, even if they didn't, we're not in a Nordic country. Let's try to assimilate. I went to school with a hat that had a long tassle on it. I was maybe 9 years old. The kids made fun of me. It was a hat from the Old Country. I also had a backpack. They might be called "rucksakcs" now. It was from a Scandiavian ocean liner. So while the other kids all had normal canvas backpacks from the Jansport corporation or whatever was popular at the time, I had this dumb red plastic shit that said "VIKING LINE" on it. Nobody made fun of me for it but why didn't they? She was just lazy. She had no job but she still couldn't be bothered to do anything even resembling parenting. Just figure everything out yourself. All she ever did was get annoyed when I made a mistake and say, "I wouldn't have done that." This pathetic loser never did anything in her entire life. Of course she wouldn't have done it. She doesn't do anything. Imagine having a child and never talk to them, never play with them, never interact with them, and never teach them anything. That was my upbringing and it explains all of the problems that I've had as an adult. |
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