Hey, Billy Connolly is retiring. He's also apparently in failing health. I never cared for his work but I don't remember seeing any. So I checked out a video on Youtube declaring itself as "the best of Billy Connolly". If the title of this video is accurate, I haven't missed anything. I didn't know he was from Glasgow either. But what I do recall is his break in the US. He replaced Johnny Fever on hit 1980s television sitcom Head of the Class. This was a show about super intelligent high school kids, mostly played by 30 year olds. Johnny Fever was the cool, laid back teacher but he quit the show due to creative differences. In comes Billy Connolly. He's the new teacher. The second he opened his mouth, his career was over. WTF is this homo saying? Why is he talking like this? Is he putting this on? Nobody can actually talk like this in real life. The show was cancelled within a year. Unbelievably, he then got a spin-off show called Billy. I don't remember ever watching this. Why would I? You take the most annoying character on television, a guy who destroyed the once popular Head of the Class, and give him his own show? According to Wikipedia, it was about a Scottish teacher who moves to America in order to build a new life for himself. It seems that he got involved in a sham marriage and is trying to avoid immigration officials. The comedy writes itself. I'll watch episode 2 on Youtube and report back on my findings. It seems to be the only episode available. Hey, that guy from Roseanne and The Big Bang Theory was on this. Darlene's boyfriend. The main guy on The Big Bang Theory. Not Sheldon or the Jew or the Indian. Whoa. Wait. No. We're five seconds in and I already reject the premise. A wacky neighbour is talking to this guy's sham wife, she's recapping the plot about how it's a fake marriage with no intercourse, and then this wacky neighbour says, "Can I have him?" Billy Connolly as a sex symbol? Come on. He must have written this himself, whenever he had a hand free. Oh this is even lamer. She didn't want him for sex. She just wanted him to go to a fancy dinner or something. This is such hackneyed sitcom writing. They all agree to a date. Enter that guy from Roseanne. He's been caught smelling of smoke. God, this is just so bad. It's so badly written. The acting is terrible as well. The wife isn't a looker either. I'd be astonished if she appeared in anything else. Doesn't have a Wikipedia page but according to IMDB, she's had a few small roles subsequent to this piece of shit. Now the precious little kids are saying precious little things while Billy makes wholesome family sitcom "jokes". I can't watch any more. I made it six minutes in. It's a giant pile of excrement. Since the show was cancelled after only a year, it seems that the immigration plot was never resolved. I like to think that he was arrested by immigration police, sodomised with a broomstick, and then deported. I'd like to see reviews of this shit but unfortunately, due to the idiotic name of the show, I can't find any. Somebody must have reviewed it back when it was on but oh well. |
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