Wow. Did you know that the Honky Tonk Man is the cousin of Jerry Lawler? The things you learn while searching for old wrestling clips. I was looking for a clip of the Honky Tonk Man's short-lived return to the WWF when he was the manager, I think, of Billy Gunn. And it wasn't going well so some other wrestler (Road Dogg, maybe) made an appearance at ringside and quipped, "You're so old, Elvis stole your gimmick" to what seemed to be a legit angry Honky. I couldn't find the video. Oh, wait. Here it is: I've told a number of school stories but I've never mined my university days. Probably because nothing really happened. I went to class, I went home. There weren't any hijinks to speak of. I didn't pledge at a fraternity. There weren't any fraternities to pledge to. I didn't go to any football games. No football games to go to. No sexual misadventures back at the dorm. There weren't any dorms. Although, that's only half of the problem in that one. So basically, I went to class like two or three days a week for four and a half years then went home. At the end of all of this, I received my degree when I went to some administration building. It was the most hollow experience of my life. I went to university all that time, spent all of that money, and in the end you just get a piece of paper. What a waste of time, effort, and money. In any event, I can think of a time when something happened to somebody else. It was a politics class taught by some communist asshole professor. I think that he retired recently. Anyway, I had taken classes with this professor before and knew what he was like. No matter what the class was, he just talked about communism. Introduction to Politics, International Relations, Politics and Crime, doesn't matter. It was the same exact class no matter what it was called. I took loads of classes with him, though, because he passed everybody. So it's the first day of class. Class hasn't started yet. There's this guy who's really eager and he's talking to people around him about how he's looking forward to this class. He's ready to talk about the Teapot Dome Scandal and whatnot. Me and this other guy who I recognised from previous classes with this communist professor just looked at each other, knowing that this guy didn't know what he was in for. Class starts and the professor starts talking about voting. He's talking about how it grants legitimacy to the system and whatnot. Then this guy raises his hand and starts talking about voting statistics. The professor dismisses this and continues talking about voting as it relates to communist theory. The guy raises his hand again and starts talking about voting as it relates to real life America. Again, this professor dismisses his comments and continues with his communist voting lecture. The professor was talking about some shit relating to voting and then the guy raises his hand again and says, "Some of them stay home" in relation to voter apathy. And the professor is clearly annoyed at this point and says, "Yeah, and some of them go to the bathroom. What's your point?" The class laughed. That was the last comment that this guy made. Next day, that guy wasn't there. Next day, he wasn't there either. The professor says, "I hope he didn't drop the class. I was looking forward to having him in class." He didn't say that ironically, he was serious. The guy didn't return. Here's a crazy idea. If you want to create a place where people enjoy coming to and having something of an open dialogue, don't belittle and insult them. Yeah, that guy retired. It gives his graduation year. So in 1998, he would have been...55. So he's about 75 now. He doesn't seem to have made any impact on the world. The only news articles about him relate to an incident in the early 1990s where he was beat up by a black power group. So that's the contribution to society that this anti-racist communist professor made: he was beat up by some violent thug black guys, behaving in a stereotypical black thug way. Wow, there are only three politics professors there now. One was from when I was there. Super gay man. Also, the university is called something else now. Who knew? They merged with some other university. Only 60% caucasian. Notable alumni: none. Well, that's not true. Some fat black woman who I never heard of is apparently a news anchor on some radio station. And somebody who works at IBM. Seriously. I mean, he seems to be some kind of middle manager but...that's notable? He doesn't have a Wikipedia page so not that notable. |
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