Mark Tranter
I think Frank is Spot on
"proving a legitimate business with no criminal involvement is futile"
We are being naïve if we think being a trader for however long makes us honest and reputable.
It makes more sense to secure the process itself
I would think most of the cloning etc. that goes on is behind the front of a legit business,so how would proving your activity as a trader make things secure?
CRB ??? what's the point ??? if you are a criminal with a record (remember not all criminals have been caught)you would just put forward a clean employee or front the business with a clean friend
If being a legitimate trader is the only criteria for security access all the criminal element would do is make sure they appear to be legitimate.
Franks suggestion seems good to me tho maybe a registered keeper and stolen vehicle check maybe all that's req I'm not sure
I do know however that criminals do not have a tattoo on their forehead saying what they are and they will do what ever they can to hide their activities.
A robust check of the individual access request is in my opinion the only way to go
My thoughts for what they are worth
Regards Mark
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