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    Re: apprentice schemes Archived Message

    Posted by Peter Wright on July 28, 2003, 9:08 am, in reply to "apprentice schemes"

    Our 3 year training system Modules and content are designed after consultation with Industry representatives (NSW Australia)

    A blanket invitation to be involved in the course/modules and their content ie. to submit information, attend discussion groups is advertised in the common Auto industry magazines etc.

    Guess how many come to meetings, submit anything???? or even bother to fill out a survey form?????

    So we teach what the "so called Industry" wants in an order that suits the so called Industry.

    All modules are designed to cover Competencies expected by the industry.

    There are 36 Compulsory Competencies (once again decided by Industry) and a number of Elective Competencies (employer must pick 6).

    With our college being self paced, if an individual employer wants Modules taught in a different order, we can accomodate this provided that other modules (the student hasn't done) are not prerequisites to that module the employer wants taught know.

    We even give the employer a choice in elective modules/competencies. Student must complete 6 electives/competencies and the employer chooses which ones best suit his business.

    Once again I must repeat, we are industry driven and so should your training so if you get the chance to get involved in formulating courses and their structures, go to the meetings, submit surveys, write, phone etc. This is the only way your course will be changed to suit your needs.

    If anyone wants a copy of what we cover in the 3 years, I'd be more than happy to Email you information.

    Peter Wright

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