I agree that the left is mistaken to ignore or disparage spirituality, which is part of the human experience and will emerge in some form or other no matter what you try to do. Soviet communism was unable to destroy it, and even adopted aspects of a religious institution itself, eg: the iconography and devotion to figures like Lenin and Stalin and quoting chapter & verse from the Party orthodoxy. I've seen it argued that the current major religions might be able to adapt and provide a helpful guide to people as complex society continues to unravel, undergoing their own form of 'rewilding' in the process. There's certainly refuge in there from the modern hyper-consumerist insanity and the worship of money & greed. So maybe.
But to expect religions born within the context of civilisation (and adapting to survive within it over the course of millennia) to outlast and survive beyond its collapse seems like... a tall order. A Christianity operating within the context of a sustainable society would look nothing like it does today, to the point where you probably wouldn't even recognise it. No hell, no heaven, no sin, no devil, no salvation, no 'go forth and multiply', no 'my kingdom is not of this world', no
'overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire [...] hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.' - https://biblehub.com/deuteronomy/12-3.htm
...no patriarchs, no priesthood, no denigration of weeds*... I could go on! My preference is to look for the place-based traditions and practices that predate the imposition of Christianity in this place beginning a mere 1400 years ago (humans have lived in the British Isles on & off for at least 800,000 years).
On your point that 'believers and non believers should be working together', I agree, and am happy to work with anybody who doesn't impose their belief systems on me generally. I'd even rather ally with the likes of Brand and Tucker Carlson than a whole array of people who describe themselves as leftists, but are actually authoritarian statists. But I reserve the right to criticise them when I think they're talking sh!te
* - something wot I rote: https://tinyurl.com/2383p83u
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