The two Alexanders have revealed their right wing credentials most clearly in rejoicing Trump's win, particularly glorifying the dismay in the media and commentariat and political classes. . Opening the bottle of bubbly. says Mercouris - really?? That wonderful?? Glossing over Trump's major failures, his serious personally disorder, anti-democratic rants, racism, narcissism, nepotism, his global warming denial., his total capitulation to corporate interests. But of course with global warming, neither of our two presenters seems to have much time for this either as has been obvious over all the times I've watched or listened. Perhaps, just parhaps, Trump will do something rather better in Ukraine and Israel but how can we know? He lies, all the time, he doesn't even work as his job, as we know - when president he'd spend hours watching Fox news and eating snacks. and when not doing that be on the goff course. - he is a seriously malfunctioning human being promoted to a position he's mentally and politically incapable of doing well, , even a stopped clock will be right twice a day, except there's no way to predict when this will happen. Same with Trump - how is a chaotic mind like his going to help the chaos of our present days? Their enthusiasm for Trump seems to me to be the same political naivety of those they so severely criticise supporting Harris or the status quo . I had to turn it off. There should be no rejoicing at Trump's election. Nor should there have been if Harris had been elected. The USA is a failing project that could yet bring down the entire planet, and anyone with any common sense and moral perspective. would see this. |