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    Balance Archived Message

    Posted by Gerard on March 21, 2019, 11:29 am, in reply to "Re: Cannabis and psychosis"

    My own experience does not bear this out you two..and you're ignoring my point bert, breeding for strength does indeed unbalance the plant...breeding for environment does not, indica and sativa crosses should be bred to target use (yes I suffer from some depression -requires sativa-, but I am mostly depressed from coping with chronic pain -so require indica predominant-), good breeding should aim for a balance between these environmental and intended use factors.....recreational use the same...thai has the strongest THC levels in nature (approx. 18.5%), anything above this is, I contend, likely to prove deficient in the other cannabinoids and cannabinols (pls. excuse prev. spelling), necessary to "distribute" the THC throughout the body's systems.
    Problems come when man attempts to, "improve" on nature instead of trying to harmonise with it! The best a greenhouse or indoor grower can expect is to get as close to replicating a natural environment and natural plant (suitable for its environment and usage), as possible.
    When I tried true, "skunk" in the early 90s (again apologies not late 80s), I was very disappointed but not surprised...the weed did not allow me to function or even enjoy myself, when I woke up everyone was leaving the party (felt that way, "macro-cosmically" too). The "new" is not always "progress", modern man is slowly discovering this, as with our macro-cosmic issues it is balance we need to learn. Not all conventional medicine is bunkum and not all, "complimentary" practitioners are, "new age" gurus (I prefer the "old" age myself in any case), let's not let our infants get, "sucked-down-the-plughole" by encouraging a divisive stance and falling into the oppressor's trap of, "divide and rule", there is much that we can learn from each other and only by doing so can we avert the imminent cataclysm of man vs. environment.

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