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    Re: Balance Archived Message

    Posted by Gerard on March 22, 2019, 10:51 am, in reply to "Re: Balance"

    "Putting less in" does not cure the problem Bert...and I don't agree that the breeders of Durban Poison or any of the pre-skunk strains were deliberately unbalancing the plant (or that they did so in error), ..skunk and haze varieties are deliberately bred for THC content alone...such was not the case with earlier crosses which were bred for suitability for the environment.."Northern Lights" is not a great example either because it was bred as a "purple" strain whose resin production made it suitable for growing in N.Hemisphere conditions (both indoors, in the greenhouse and outdoors). stains like "Purple Power" and "New Purple Power" (not the "haze" variant), are not as unbalanced for they are avowedly neither skunk or haze predominant hybrids.

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