An inquiry has been launched into all-party parliamentary groups amid concerns they are being used to bypass lobbying rules. The groups, also known as APPGs, are forums where MPs and peers discuss topical issues. The groups are funded by third parties, usually businesses, and have received millions in funding since the beginning of 2015.
Below is a list of the APPGs, the funding and benefits in kind they receive. You can also click on an MP or type in a their name to find out which groups they sit on. For example, the MP for the Wrekin, Mark Pritchard, sits on 41 APPGs
An extract ref Israel from the above article dated 6th January 2017
Israel MPs in this group Louise Ellman Bob Blackman Mike Freer Matthew Offord Lord Turnberg Eric Pickles Joan Ryan Lord Palmer of Childs Hill
Benefits in kind and funding Cedars Oak Ltd £31,501 Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs £18,001 Cedars Oak Ltd £15,001 Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs £4,501