Muz is a very rational man not prone to conspiracy theorising or, "flights of fancy" (if you'll excuse the pun), and as you may know I've never been a big advocate of the chemtrail conspiracy theory but these are the links and articles he's posted on his Facebook page...
My comments were; "Never been a fan of the, "Chemtrail Conspiracy" myself..what research can you quote on this...? My main objection is that the chemtrail issue is usually described as a New World Order conspiracy to create climate change effects and that these accusations are often made by those on the right of the political spectrum who are against the authority of the United Nations and do not believe in climate change or its more "prosaic" (in this regard), causes.."
However, this is not Muz's accusation...he is no, "climate change denier"...from what I can gather it is Muz's belief that the, "Indigo Skyfold" chemtrail programme is primarily a military project with aspects of the research being applied to climate change response.. So it seems that the, "climate change causation" conspiracy story may be part of a; "the aliens stole my homework" misinformation programme, "5th Columned" by those often responsible for such..