...and I did say that I have not previously been interested in the chemtrail thing...but when a learned man points me in the direction of an alternative narrative concerning a subject I take interest..it's called keeping an open mind.. Invariably I find that those who display the most ignorance do so very openly by not actually reading what or listening to what people actually have to say.. for I cannot see from reading my own posts how or why either I or the subject should attract such opprobrium..
As an exemplar may I also remind readers that it has been I that has continually raised the depleted uranium munitions use issue on this board..(no other), ...I cannot for the life of me understand how or why intelligent people (which at least some of you are), can fail to see the relevance of such an important issue...War on the cheap guys that's what the d.u thing is about.. I'm left gobsmacked that board members cannot (apparently), understand that the use of d.u for munitions made the interventionist (esp. in the Middle East), conflicts both thinkable and possible for the Deep State....one suspects an ingrained (and inbred), sectarianism (hate to say it but then so would you if you had my background), ....instead the board manifests endless navel gazing threads concerning whether or no the Labour Party is anti-Semitic and how such may or may not be being exploited by the msm...and navel-gazing is the word...
I'll make my position clear (seeing as it has come up on this thread), ..
Until the British Labour Party "comes out" as a truly republican movement devoted to the end of monarchical privilege, a proportionally representative electoral system and devolution...it will needs must remain a sectarian movement..that is all I have to say on the subject...