'A detailed analysis of the output of state-controlled media often reveals a fundamental disparity between Russian-owned outlets in the UK and the rest of Europe when comparing them to established news organisations. The volume of coverage, framing of coverage, and average engagement with that coverage is, at times, widely disparate.'
Yes, they have the temerity to focus on things that aren't malicious distractions and report on western crimes rather than cover them up like the rest of the 'established' careerist invertebrates. For shame! I remember the first time I turned on RT there was a documentary about the conflict in the Congo and one of the first sentences I heard mentioned the benefits this ongoing war had for the neoliberal global order sucking resources out of the region. I think the only time I've +ever+ seen honest finger-pointing analysis of this kind on UK TV has been on the rare occasions a Pilger docu or people like Pinter and Chomsky get shown - maybe every other year and usually shunted to a late-night slot.
RT are probably free to air this kind of material because it doesn't tread on toes back in Russia, and it's true that you rarely see critiques of the Russian state there. Abby Martin dissented over Crimea and was allowed to keep her show but only after a rather stern interview with a government official. Not to say that they shouldn't defend their actions on the world stage where they have been proven to be correct again and again... It reminds me of the saying that everything the communists said about communism was a lie, but everything they said about western capitalism was true. I watch RT shows because they allow a freedom of dissident expression that just doesn't exist in western media outlets. Like Lee Camp said, 'RT America is literally the only channel in America that lets me say what I want, like [long list of taboo subjects] Show me the network that covers all of this stuff [...] oh what's that, there is no network like that? That's what I thought...'
Obviously the ofcom ruling screams hypocrisy and double standards to anyone with ears to hear. They want to talk about Skripal conspiracies? What about the 101 idiotic conspiracies peddled by the government and media outlets about that affair without a shred of evidence backing them up? How many newspapers and tv channels parroted the government's instant certainty that 'the russians dunnit'? And the graun hack has the nerve to talk about a 'daily deluge of disinformation produced by RT and Sputnik'! What a bunch of Jeremies!