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    Re: US Foreign Policy in Shambles - essential read/listen if interested in the Gulf situation Archived Message

    Posted by johnlilburne on July 28, 2019, 10:20 am, in reply to "US Foreign Policy in Shambles - essential read/listen if interested in the Gulf situation"

    The United States had envisaged a redefinition of the borders of the Middle East. It was called the New Middle East. And they had established a map, which essentially provided the structure of what the Middle East should look like. This map I think was first published . . . well, it was more than ten years ago; it was in 2006. It was a map by Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters, but it was published in the Armed Forces Journal, it was presented in the National War Academy, it was used for teaching purposes. And apparently what happened is that this was also used in NATO workshops of, we’re talking about military doctrine, because this map essentially carves Turkey into half. It has Turkey and then it has a free Kurdistan and the free Kurdistan is made up of Kurds from Iraq, Turkey, and Iran. So they’ve created a new country.

    The US project was ultimately to Balkanize the Middle East into smaller countries, a bit what they did in the Balkans, so that you had an Arab Shia state, the Sunni state, the free Kurdistan, the Islamic Sacred State of Saudi Arabia and so on. That map is well known in military circles and it’s been analyzed.

    But essentially Turkey’s resentment in relation to the United States is that essentially they want to carve up Turkey. And Erdogan’s project is the Greater Ottoman; it’s an extension of Turkish influence beyond Turkish borders and it certainly would not accept any carving up of the national territory of Turkey. In fact, if you look at that map—that was the US war academy map—they cut it in half.

    So that’s the background. They were privy to the fact that there were documents which pointed to America’s intent to ultimately carve up Turkey, in the same way as they carved Yugoslavia. I understood that at one point that that map was brought to the consideration of members or the staff of NATO, and the Turkish delegation to that venue walked out when they saw the map. They were absolutely, they were very offended.

    Yeh, I guess a country would be a bit pissed off if its supposed NATO ally (master) was intending to carve it up. Imperial arrogance that goes back to Sykes-Picot. And aligns with Israel's Yinon plan for balkanisation of ME.

    Good stuff.

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