Re: US Foreign Policy in Shambles - essential read/listen if interested in the Gulf situation Archived Message
Posted by johnlilburne on July 28, 2019, 1:05 pm, in reply to "Re: US Foreign Policy in Shambles - essential read/listen if interested in the Gulf situation"
Re Turkey-Russia relations, it should also be remembered that the Turkstream gas pipeline under the Black Sea has recently been completed and there are plans for ongoing gas supply to Europe. There is also the Nordstream gas pipeline from Russia direct to Germany under the Baltic. The need to transit across Ukraine has thus been cut out - that'll teach it for aligning with the west. Turkey will no doubt be well aware that Russia expects its ambitions in Syria to be severely restricted (though it understands its need to suppress the Kurds). Russia has successfully defended its ally, Syria, and, with Turkey onside, has put paid to US plans for the region, at least for now.