Re: US Foreign Policy in Shambles - essential read/listen if interested in the Gulf situation Archived Message
Posted by Tomski on July 28, 2019, 11:19 am, in reply to "Re: US Foreign Policy in Shambles - essential read/listen if interested in the Gulf situation"
What I found shocking is the claim that de facto, Turkey is no longer part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It may have been obvious to others ... Chossudovsky walks us through his compelling reasoning using historical events to illustrate his points. And it makes sense that Turkey's purchase of the S400's is the last nail in that coffin. Perhaps it's early days, since I still don't understand the reasoning for allowing Turkey to carve up Syria, as is the case at the moment, and if this is on the cards at all, as it appears. Saudi Arabia did a good job clarifying the situation by sanctioning Qatar. US of A, with the largest forward base in the ME, in Qatar, is in a pickle, surely, knowing that Qatar sleeps with the enemy i.e. Iran. It explains a lot why the US is unlikely to attack Iran any time soon.