Chris Hedges interviews Mohamed Elmazzi on the Integrity Initiative/Institute for StatecraftArchived Message
Posted by brooks on August 4, 2019, 2:18 pm
On Contact host Chris Hedges and investigative journalist Mohamed Elmazzi discuss documents showing an alleged British government-financed propaganda mill, equivalent in scale to the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird psychological operations. Elmazzi’s work can be found at
And if you're feeling particularly masochistic, this interview with Whitney Webb on Joanne Leon's "Around the Empire" takes a deeper dive into the cesspit of western empire and covert operations by looking at the Jeffrey Epstein affair, and "his ties to intelligence and organized crime, trafficking networks and sexual blackmail operations". You will learn that no matter how bad you thought things were, they're actually worse. (apologies to George that this was not mentioned in the subject line, but it seemed somehow apropos)