Re: Something strange all the same.. that this is all a bit out of date.. Archived Message
Posted by scrabb on August 5, 2019, 5:37 pm, in reply to "Something strange all the same.. that this is all a bit out of date.."
I don't believe this, as if they did their efforts would be useless. So their focus on this is actually what the State wants Like you, David, I don't believe their aim is to "counter Russian intelligence". It's all a scam to push policy in the UK the way they want it to go -- spending more big bucks on the military and keeping the armaments companies happy. it just so happens that Russia is a very convenient scapegoat to mask their efforts. You have to have an enemy, because if you haven't, people will naturally ask, "Well, why are you spending all this money if no one is threatening us?" So they have to manufacture the threat, ie, Russia.