Re: Journalists expose more of the Guardian and NYT role vis-a-vis Assange Archived Message
Posted by dovetailjoint on August 8, 2019, 4:58 pm, in reply to "Journalists expose more of the Guardian and NYT role vis-a-vis Assange"
I've another 'life' or 'persona', a hidden identity... these days are relation to writing for money and paying scholl fees and mortgage... anyway, at a recent 'do' I met a journalist who's quite well-known. He's been given access to the Snowden files and lots of Wikileaks stuff. I was both wary and irritated by him from the beginning. He mentioned that Assange had come into conflict with the Guardian and others he'd worked with because he didn't want to 'filter' and redact the material properly and responsibly. This was because he wasn't a trained journalist! I sighed and then growned. Usually my wife's around to steer me away from situations like this, but I was out alone, in literary company. Always a bad idea! I pointed out that this was 'Bullshit', propaganda, that didn't stand up to minimal scrutiny, only a fool would believe that stuff. It was a rationalisation to both cover their legal arses and grovel for the security services and the state. I was on a champange fuelled roll here. I even looked around to see it my wife was coming for me as my voice was getting louder! The look on this guy's face was... priceless. He was speechless and outgaged at the same time. That's just not true, he said. Luckily, another women I know came over and started to pull me away by the arm. Women always seem to save me from myself and absolute career suicide. It's the myths around Assange that are so damaging and destructive. One does what one can to help.