Hargreaves said he paid about £40m in tax last year Archived Message
Posted by scrabb on November 2, 2019, 10:30 pm, in reply to "Aside from fact Labour won't win, they would have nothing to fear from cowardly"
Hargreaves said he paid about £40m in tax last year, and “if 50 of us [the biggest taxpayers] got on a plane and left, that would put a big hole in the chancellor’s budget”." I keep hearing this all the time -- that the top wealthiest people pay much more tax than the rest of us combined. I'd like an independent tax expert to look at Hargreaves books and tell us if this claim is true, and how much tax he pays on what his companies earn. There's too much of this vague tax-paying nonsense floating about -- I'd like to see the actual figures verified by an expert we can trust.