Re: Guardian: Super-rich prepare to leave UK 'within minutes' if Labour wins election Archived Message
Posted by Grace on November 3, 2019, 2:27 pm, in reply to "Guardian: Super-rich prepare to leave UK 'within minutes' if Labour wins election"
Tell you what I'd like to see: since many of these folk claim to love living here, why not after they served their time and paid their dues, put them all in a big theme park open free to all of us. The appropriate tech whizz-bangery provided would convince them that thy are living in a heaven reality. Then they could ponce around, plotting and squabbling, electing kings and queens, bowing and scraping to one another, gawping at spectacle and having orgies galore. The rest of us would then be free to get on with our lives doing what I believe we are here for: to learn and grow by relating to one another properly and developing our full potential as human beings. The poor souls in their illusionary paradise would serve as object lessons lest we forget.