Posted by Sinister Burt on November 15, 2019, 5:17 pm, in reply to "Any comments on this?"
Hi adamski, here's a video criticising david pakman's take on bolivia. I didn't watch it yet, but he usually makes sense on south america (he lives in argentina). I did watch the second one which is a short overview of the situation and that's maybe worth a look too.
I've watched a few david pakman videos were he did a good job arguing against 'classical liberals', libertarians and associated dingbats, but when i watched a few more i noticed he usually came down on a pretty establishment-friendly 'liberal-left' side of most issues that came up (eg he was similarly equivocal about guaido/venezuela if i recall). He's alright up to a point, but like democracy now, when it matters he seems to reliably follow the 'moderate' path of least resistance.