Here's what the cold hard reality is. Hegemony is real. Neoliberalist hegemonic dominance has been entrenched and extended into every aspect of work and home, of education and our personal life.
See Mark Fisher's Capitaliet Realism,and Nick Srnicek's book on post-capitalism. These texts are a prerequisite for any discussion on post-capitalist possibilities and where the left has gone wrong.
I will bet anyone on this board £100 that there will NOT be any left wing anti capitalist bloc, agency, force or party that will have the support of the majority of the population, for the next 5 years.
It's not happening. You can cry all you want people,but the closest thing to remotely challenging the worst effects of neoliberalism is the Labour manifesto. Take it or leave it. There isn't at present any coherent source of power that csne mount a challenge, and if anyone here has read aforementioned texts, you will know why.
Spoiler alert...localism, folk politics, horizontalism, and a lack of coherent,scalable left-wing organisational forms have failed to mount a counter hegemony to neoliberalism.
It's time for some people to start looking at reality as it actually is, here,in real time,rather than what you want it to be, or think it is.
Capitalism isnt going to fall by waiting for a radical anti-capitalist movement to suddenly appear like Mr Benn. I will bet on it.